Aubrey D. Locke
Senior Loan Banker

Aubrey D. Locke

My journey from Belize to the United States of America, from undocumented immigrant to a successful Senior Loan Banker, has been marked by many challenges, growth, and a profound appreciation for the importance of family and community. It’s a journey that has shaped me into the person I am today—a fighter, a family man, and a dedicated member of the community….

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I’ve always been a people person. Interacting with others, learning about their experiences, and forging connections have been central to my life. These interactions have broadened my horizons and enriched my understanding of the world.

There's something profoundly fulfilling about guiding individuals and families through the complex process of securing a mortgage, turning their aspirations of homeownership into a tangible reality.

From Humble Beginnings...

Aubrey D. Locke at 21 years old.I was just sixteen when I made the life-altering decision to leave my home in Belize and immigrate to New York. Little did I know, this journey would shape the person I would become. My decision was sudden, and it was made under circumstances that didn’t afford me the opportunity to say goodbye to my friends or family. I left Belize with the belief that I was going on a simple visit, a vacation that turned into a new chapter of my life.

In New York, I began the process of building a new life. Education played a pivotal role in my journey, and I enrolled at CUNY Medgar Evers College. It was a challenging but rewarding experience, and I graduated in 1987 with a sense of accomplishment and determination to pursue my dreams.

During my younger years, I was known for my fiery spirit. I prided myself on being a fighter, not just metaphorically, but quite literally. In those days, I would engage in arguments and even physical altercations over the most trivial matters. It was a part of my journey, a phase that would eventually give way to a more focused and positive channeling of my energy.

Family means everything to me. Despite my sudden departure from Belize, my family remained my anchor and source of inspiration. I carry their values and support with me every day. Becoming a father myself only deepened my appreciation for the strength of familial bonds.

I’ve always been a people person. Interacting with others, learning about their experiences, and forging connections have been central to my life. These interactions have broadened my horizons and enriched my understanding of the world.

My journey in the United States has been one of transformation, and I believe in giving back to the community that has become my second home. Whether through volunteering, mentorship, or community involvement, I’ve strived to make a positive impact and help those who may be facing challenges similar to the ones I’ve overcome.

Professionally, I found my calling in the finance industry, specifically as a Senior Loan (Mortgage) Banker. I’ve worked hard to establish myself in this field, and I take pride in helping people achieve their dreams of homeownership.

I have always cherished the title of being my father’s champion and fighter. The strength and resilience I’ve inherited from him continue to guide me in my personal and professional life. 

My journey from Belize to New York, from undocumented immigrant to a successful Senior Loan Banker, has been marked by challenges, growth, and a profound appreciation for the importance of family and community. It’s a journey that has shaped me into the person I am today—a fighter, a family man, and a dedicated member of the community. While I may not have had the chance to say goodbye to Belize, I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that have come my way in America.